Fall arrives with it’s lovely, cool, crisp fresh air and this is when the worlds most beautiful colors hit our trees. It changes the mood in nature, our local parks, and mountains. We also start to crave more filling food and maybe something warm. Despite all the beauty of Fall it also brings the flu season with it.

I try to do my best to prevent my family members from being stuck in bed coughing with red noses because my job then becomes one of a full-time nurse. I believe one of the best ways to prevent this is to eat well and take extra good care of ourselves. One of the first things I do is start to consume my ginger  water recipe. I keep bottles of it in my fridge and heat it up, as needed, throughout the day.

Another thing I do is prepare vegetable and chicken stock. Grandmothers’ (often right ) rule is to make chicken stock and they have been doing it for ages because ( healthy raised ) chickens run around easily and are quick on their feet. Various people state that by drinking broth loaded with vegetables, some chicken legs or a whole chicken it can help to keep us strong and healthy as well as boost our immune system. Keep us energetic on our feet just like a chicken!

SO simple, but please note this is the quick way to make it,  not a super chef’s recipe. I just do it in the late afternoon while I am writing, doing laundry or playing with my dudes. Bring a big pot of water to a boil, filling it almost to the brim. When the water is boiling,  I lower the heat to a simmer and throw all my ingredients in. See below:

1 whole white onion

1 large stock of celery

5 carrots

2 fresh potatoes

Small bunch parsley

1or 2 bay leaves, depending on your taste.

If you have any herbs you especially like, don’t hesitate to throw them in as well.

If you would like to make chicken instead of vegetable broth you would follow the same recipe as above but just add chicken into the pot this time.

Another tip, to keep you feeling your best is that I’d like to encourage all of you to experience all the Fall season has to offer. Go outside for long walks and look at this season’s beautiful nature. In Iceland, we don’t just hide at home when the cold weather arrives. We take the opportunity to go hiking and walking as this helps to keep our immune system strong. Teach and train our bodies how to deal with the cold air. I personally don’t overdress as soon as the fresh air arrives. Icelandic people, well Scandinavians in general,  also believe that by staying strong and embracing the cold it can actually help the body and we might get less sick during the winter. Once you return home,  you can always just boil up a cop of good herbal tea and take a hot bath. Our mind is powerful, so if we worry too much about getting sick and spend the day overthinking it, we may also be more likely to catch a cold. Not sure if you guys think this makes sense but I have been pretty successful in not getting sick. It could all just be luck but somehow I don’t think so đŸ™‚

I sometimes get busted by Italian grandmothers reminding me that my sons are not dressed well enough for the cold and that they need another jacket or a scarf.  I have never seen so many people wearing scarves as I do here in Italy. Honestly,  I never knew a scarf was so important but now I  have found a balance. I am slowly becoming a scarf person after living here for almost 6 years. While out in the park with my sons I encourage them to run around and play to keep warm. When I was young and complained about being cold, my grandfather and father would tell me to either go build something outdoors or play. Not to just be still and complain but do something about it:) To me, this brings back a beautiful memory of me playing outdoors with my father in the cold air.

I hope you will enjoy this weekend and do something fun with your family or friends.

Love JM

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